Week Commencing 30th March
Please click on the resources below.
- Class 4 Home Learning Task sheet 30th March
- Monday maths answersRoman numerals
- Monday maths questions Roman numerals
- Tuesday maths - questions adding and subtracting facts
- Tuesday maths answers + and - facts
- Wednesday maths - questions adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100, 1000
- Wednesday answers maths + and - multiples of 10, 100, 1000
- Thursday maths - questions mental + and - of 2 digit numbers
- Thursday maths answers mental + and - of 2 digit numbers answer sheet
- Winter Scene apostrophe answers
- Winter Scene apostrophe worksheet
- Word classes
- Word classes answer sheet
- Writing task
- Friday Button Challenge
- Garden Birds comprehension answers
- Garden Birds comprehension questions
- Garden Birds comprehension
- Thinking Keys Vikings v2