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  • Children's ward donation

    Published 07/10/24

    Thank You from Margate Children's Ward!

    We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who generously donated to our Year 6 performance. Thanks to your support, we were able to purchase the above items for the children's ward. These contributions will undoubtedly make a significant difference for the children staying with us. Your kindness and generosity are truly appreciated! Thank you for helping us brighten their time in the hospital.

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  • Silver Kent Wilder Award,

    Published 07/10/24

    The School Council are proud to announce Ramsgate Holy Trinity have received the Silver Kent Wilder Award, due to all the hard work we have done over the past year.  We will continue to take positive actions for nature and wildlife as we embark on this new academic year.

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  • Year 3- The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher

    Published 07/10/24

    Year three enjoyed the opening to our new text for dance and drama. They enjoyed exploring the story so far, characters and predictions using still images, sculptures and titles.

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  • Year 4 Drama-The day I fell into a Fairytale

    Published 07/10/24

    In dance and drama Year four have made a really good start into exploring the characters in our new book and also recreating through dance a darker version of Little Red Riding Hood.

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  • Sophie- RNLI Cake Sale

    Published 16/07/24

    Well done to Sophie, who made some cakes for a community sports day and raised an impressive £50 for RNLI. 

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  • Quex Trip Year 1 and 2

    Published 25/06/24

    Years 1 and 2 visited the Powell-Cotton Museum which offered an exciting, fun and interactive day out for all. ​The children saw some incredible natural history displays, featuring animals from the African and Asian continents in world-famous dioramas.  There were also lots of fascinating displays of world-culture objects as well as local archaeology. The children had the opportunity to try traditional printing methods using blocks and ink. They also enjoyed making the most of the good weather exploring the grounds around the museum.  

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  • Year 1 - RE Hanukkah

    Published 25/06/24

    In Year 1, the children have been learning all about the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the celebration of Light. It is the celebration of a miracle that happened a long time ago.  It is a celebration of rededication of the Temple after it was destroyed. Hanukkah lasts for 8 days and 8 nights. Each night, families gather to light the menorah, eat special foods, sing songs, play Dreidel and, in some families, to exchange gifts. On Hanukkah, fried foods are always on the menu. The oil that the foods are fried in is a reminder of the oil in the temple that lasted 8 days instead of just 1 day.  Two popular dishes are latkes  (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (doughnuts). Today the children had a go at making latkes and eating doughnuts.  We have also made dreidels and played Dreidel using mini marshmallows.


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  • Drama Year 4

    Published 01/05/24

    In this weeks' chapter of The Explorer the children built a raft to give themselves the chance to get from the rainforest to Manaus to alert people to their plight. So in drama the children paired up to have a go at building their own raft using only natural resources they could find in the nature trail and some string. The results were amazing! With clever problem solving and some trial and error - they came up with some really good designs. Then they had to add small rocks to represent themselves on the raft and see if it would float! Some

    Of the designs worked exceptionally well as they were wide, strong and had enough protection. Others may have ended up in the water with their rafts! It's a good thing we only trialled the miniature versions! 

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  • Year 4 Science- Burps, Bottoms and Bile!

    Published 29/04/24

    As part of our Burps, Bottoms and Bile unit we are learning about the digestive system. We started by looking at our teeth.  We have been investigating how different drinks affect our teeth.  We put some eggs (the shell of an egg is similar to the enamel on our teeth) in to coffee, vinegar, cola, covered in toothpaste in cola and water.  It was very exciting looking at the results

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  • Year 3 - Science

    Published 29/04/24

    This week, Class 3 have been investigating what plants need in order to grow. We have set up five different experiments where each plant has had one variable removed. We are going to observe the changes that happen to each plant over the next 5 days.

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  • Year 4 - Drama

    Published 29/04/24

    In drama this week we took our acting outside! We have been reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell, which is about a small group of children who find themselves alone in the Amazon rainforest with no adults. As a way of being able to empathise with the characters and the problems they face we took our lesson outdoors. They children had to choose the team they wanted to be stranded with and to build a shelter that would protect them from the elements and wild animals. Mrs Price and I were so impressed with the results - not only were their problem solving skills really good, but also their ability to work as a team and divide roles and responsibilities. Each group had brilliant  ideas -  they'd thought about how to clean the water so it was drinkable, how they were going to keep warm and cook food, exits from their den in case of attack and how they were going to manage the toilet! It was a brilliant afternoon with such careful thought and attention to detail. It really helped them to access the feelings of the characters in the story and to understand how problematic having no grown ups to help and guide them, might be . 

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    Published 24/04/24

    Please click on the video above to see our OPAl plea.

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