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  • Woody - Big Stem Challenge WINNER!

    Published 21/10/24

    We are thrilled to announce that Woody has won the primary category of The Big STEM Challenge! We couldn’t be prouder of his achievement!

    Last Friday, Woody had an incredible day at Discovery Park, where Woody showcased his impressive beach robot design. The judges were truly impressed, and as a result, Woody was awarded a beautiful trophy along with a £250 prize—something he still can’t believe!

    In addition to this amazing recognition, Woody has been invited to submit his idea to the junior category of Prince William's Earthshot Prize. This is such an exciting opportunity!

    Congratulations, Woody! Your hard work and creativity are an inspiration to us all!

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  • Harvest

    Published 21/10/24

    Sharing Love: Our Food Collection for Those in Need

    As part of our commitment to the school value of love, we have come together as a school community to collect food for those less fortunate than ourselves.

    This initiative shows our compassion and desire to support others in our local community. By sharing what we have, we are embodying the love and kindness that is at the heart of our values.

    Thank You for Your Generosity!

    Every donation helps make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Let’s continue to spread love and kindness, reflecting the teachings of our faith and making our school a caring place for everyone.

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  • Year 2 - RE -Creation

    Published 11/10/24

    Class 2 loved exploring nature outside as they thought about God creating the world in seven day.

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  • Year 2 Science- Materials

    Published 11/10/24

    Class 2 have been learning outdoors as busy scientists exploring everyday objects.  They have been scientifically investigating everyday objects by identifying what materials were used to make the objects and thinking about why the materials were used.

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  • Year5 Solar System

    Published 11/10/24

    The children wrote their own Mnemonics to help them remember the names of the planets, in order.

    E.g.  My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Up Noodles

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  • Year 6 Residential Trip to Kingwood

    Published 08/10/24

    Year 6 had an amazing time on their recent residential trip to Kingwood! The children participated in a variety of exciting activities, including the thrilling 3G swing, the challenging leap of faith, and the exhilarating zip wire. Class 6 truly embraced the adventure, creating unforgettable memories during their time away. It was a fantastic experience for all!

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  • Year 4 -Violin Lessons

    Published 08/10/24

    This term, Year 4 has embarked on an exciting journey with our violin lessons! Each student has had the opportunity to hold a violin and practice playing notes back to Mr. Stelios using the bow.

    We’re enjoying learning this beautiful instrument and can’t wait to continue developing our skills as the term progresses!

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  • Year 4 - Deep Abyss Topic

    Published 08/10/24

    As part of our wider curricular learning, Year 4 took an exciting trip to the beach to explore the fascinating world of flotsam. We discovered an array of items washed ashore, including a surprising find—a lighter that had a sea creature living inside!

    During our beach outing, we focused on the pressing issue of plastic pollution and its impact on marine life. Through our studies, we've learnt how climate change and our everyday actions can have significant consequences for animals in our environment.

    This term, we have channelled our learning into writing non-chronological reports on plastic pollution, highlighting the importance of protecting our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them. We are committed to raising awareness and making a positive change for our planet!

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  • New School Council Representatives

    Published 08/10/24

    Ramsgate Holy Trinity are pleased to announce our new school council representatives have been elected by their classes and ready to make a difference.

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  • Cross Country Event

    Published 07/10/24

    We are thrilled to report that our Annual Cross Country Event was a tremendous success! Students from Key Stage 2 participated with enthusiasm and determination, showcasing their athletic spirit and sportsmanship.

    On the day of the event, the air was filled with excitement as children took to the course, each one giving their best effort. It was heart warming to see friends cheering each other on, creating a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

    Every participant truly tried their hardest, and it was evident that everyone had a fantastic time. Whether they were racing for a personal best or simply enjoying the day, the smiles on their faces were priceless.

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  • Exploring the World of Stone Age Archaeologists!

    Published 07/10/24

    After reading the book Stone Age Boy, Year 3 delved into the fascinating job of an archaeologist. We learnt how they carefully excavate sites to uncover ancient artefacts. To experience this first hand, we had a fun activity where we dug chocolate chips out of cookies! This hands-on experience taught us how meticulous archaeologists must be when digging for historical treasures. It was a delicious way to learn about their job and the careful techniques they use in their work!

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  • Year 3 Stone Age Topic: Discovering Stonehenge

    Published 07/10/24

    As part of our Stone Age topic, Year 3 has been exploring the fascinating history of Stonehenge. We gathered lots of interesting facts, discussed how it was built, and learnt about the main types of stone used in its construction. To bring our learning to life, we recreated Stonehenge using biscuits in class! It was a fun and engaging way to understand this iconic monument.

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